馬來聯合國家組織 United Malays National Organization (1946年)
越南第一次印度支那戰爭 The First Indo-China War in Vietnam (1946-54)
緬甸獨立 Independence of Burma (1948年)
越南分裂為南北兩部分 Division of Vietnam into North and South (1954年)
馬來亞獨立 Independence of Malaya (1957)
新加坡獨立Independence of Singapore (1965)
東南亞國家聯盟成立Establishment of the ASEAN (1967)
簽訂「和平、友好與中立地區」(又稱為「東南亞中立化」) Signing of the Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality agreement (1971年)
越南加入東南亞國家聯盟Vietnam joined the ASEAN (1995)
東盟自由貿易區成立 Establishment of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (1993年)
來聯合國家組織 United Malays National Organization (1946年)


In 1946, Onn bin Jafar founded the United Malays National Organization, which got a broad representation among the Malays and accordingly, became a living symbol of Malayan nationalism.

越南第一次印度支那戰爭 The First Indo-China War in Vietnam (1946-54)

第二次世界大戰後,法國企圖重建法屬印度支那聯盟(the French Indochina Union),以恢復在該區的殖民統治,觸發了法國與越南的第一次印度支那戰爭 (The First Indochina War),法國終在1954年的奠邊府一役中戰敗,被迫在日內瓦會議中讓越南分裂為南越和北越。

After the Second World War, France intended to rebuild the French Indochina Union, in order to resume the colonial rule over that region. This triggered the First Indo-China War between France and Vietnam. France was finally defeated in the Dien Bien Phu warfare in 1954, and forced to allow Vietnam to separate into North and South in the Geneva Conference.

緬甸獨立 Independence of Burma (1948年)


In May 1945, the Allied Forces took over the control of Burma. The British then established a military administration, and accordingly charged Aung San with treason. However, this angered the Burmese, and the British had to drop the charges against Aung San. In January 1947, a peaceful agreement between Britain and Burma was reached, and a constitutional assembly was established. Later, radicals assassinated Aung San and his six cabinet members. U Nu thus formed a new cabinet, by which a new constitution was made. Burma was finally declared a republic in 1948.

越南分裂為南北兩部分 Division of Vietnam into North and South (1954年)


After the First Indochina war, the Geneva Conference was held. The conference reached a short-lived peace agreement by drawing a demarcation line along the 17th parallel of latitude, separating the North and the South. North Vietnam was under the full control of the Communist Party led by Ho Chi Minh, while South Vietnam was placed under the leadership of Ngo Dinh Diem.

馬來亞獨立 Independence of Malaya (1957)

在1955年的選舉中,馬來亞國家聯盟在52個議席中贏得51席,聯盟首長東姑拉曼(Tunku Abdul Rahman) 要求全面獨立,自由憲法於1957年起草完成,馬來亞遂於同年8月31日宣布獨立。

In the 1955 election, the United Malays National Organization won 51 seats out of 52. Its leader Tunku Abdul Rahman requested full independence. The drafting of Constitution of Freedom was finished in 1957, Malaya thus declared independence on 31st August in the same year.

新加坡獨立Independence of Singapore (1965)


As the number of elected members in the Legislative Council increased, Singapore was successful in getting full control over its internal affairs in 1957. Subsequently, a new constitution was written in 1958, upon which self government was formed. Singapore's full independence was due to fact that it quit from the Federation of Malaya. Lee Kuan Yew then declared independence of Singapore on 9th August 1965.

東南亞國家聯盟成立Establishment of the ASEAN (1967)

東盟(ASEAN) 於1967 年8月8日在泰國正式成立,由五個國家組成,包括印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡和泰國,這不僅標誌著地區內國與國間的團結,後來更發展成為一個主要會議,供成員國互相討論東南亞、亞洲甚至是世界各地的事務。

ASEAN was established in Thailand on 8th August 1967, members included Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. This not only marked regional cooperation, but also became a major conference for members to discuss issues related to Southeast Asia, Asia or even the world.

簽訂「和平、友好與中立地區」(又稱為「東南亞中立化」) Signing of the Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality agreement (1971年)


This agreement advocated the idea of keeping Southeast Asia a neutral place where great powers and the Southeast Asian nations adopted a non-interference policy towards the affairs of the region. The communists' success in the unification of Vietnam in 1975 alarmed the ASEAN members. They needed to promote cooperation to contain the spread of communism.

越南加入東南亞國家聯盟Vietnam joined the ASEAN (1995)


Vietnam joined the ASEAN in 1995, marking the final stage of development of the ASEAN-countries practicing socialism were no longer rejected from joining the organization. The ASEAN then became a representation for regional cooperation in Southeast Asia.

東盟自由貿易區成立 Establishment of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (1993年)

冷戰的結束有助促進地區性合作的發展,在1991年10月,東盟經濟高峰會議決定成立東盟自由貿易區 (ASEAN Free Trade Area,AFTA),貿易區於1993年1月開始運作,主要推廣東盟各成員國之間的貿易。

The end of Cold War facilitated the development of regional cooperation. In October 1991, the ASEAN Economic Summit worked out a framework to establish the ASEAN Free Trade Area to promote intra-ASEAN trade. It became operational in January 1993.

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