朗奴•列根 Ronald Wilson Reagan(1911-2004年)
薩達姆•赫辛 Saddam Hussein(1937年-)
科菲•安南 Kofi Atta Annan (1938年4月8日-)
阿道夫•希特拉 Adolf Hitler (1889-1945年)
米高•戈巴卓夫 Mikhail Gorbachev (1931年- )
查理斯•戴高樂 Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970年)
慈禧太后 Cixi (Empress Dowager) (1835-1908)
董建華 Tung Chee Hwa (1937年- )
明治天皇 Emperor Meiji (1852-1912)
袁世凱 Yuan Shikai (1859-1916)
弗拉基米爾.列寧 Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)
富蘭克林.羅斯福 Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945)
蔣介石 Jiang Jieshi (1887-1975)
東姑拉曼 Tunku Abdul Rahman (1903-1990)
理察.尼克遜 Richard Nixon (1913-1994 )
威利.白蘭度 Willy Brandt (1913-1992)
胡耀邦 Hu Yaobang (1915-1989)
馬可斯 Ferdinand Edralin Marcos (1917-1989)
戴卓爾夫人 Margaret Thatcher (1925-)
葉利欽 Boris Yeltsin (1931-)
陳方安生 Anson Chan (1940-)
華勒沙 Lech Walesa (1943-)

朗奴•列根 Ronald Wilson Reagan(1911-2004年)
列根在1911年於美國伊利諾州坦皮科出生,年輕時曾擔任過運動廣播員、救生員、報社專欄作家、電影演員、電視節目演員。1966年至1974年,連任兩屆加利福尼亞州州長。1981年,宣誓就任第40任美國總統。1979年,冷戰緩和時期結束,美國為免與蘇聯「核平衡」的形勢被打破,列根於1983年提出「星戰計劃」,建立一個以外太空為基礎的飛彈防禦網,以維持其戰略優勢及拖垮蘇聯的經濟。列根的大規模擴軍行動和他強硬的反蘇言論,造成蘇聯在1983年北約的例行演習(Able Archer 83)中產生近乎恐慌的反應。雖然這次演習帶來的核戰危機迅速平息,但卻顯示了列根的強硬態度可帶來的負面效果,使得他對蘇聯的態度從直接對抗轉變為和睦友好的政策。自1986年,列根與蘇聯領導人戈巴卓夫先後舉行4次首腦會談和會晤,並於1988年12月簽署了《中程導彈裁撤條約》,大大化解了核戰的危機。二十世紀九十年代,由於計劃耗資龐大、技術上遇到困難,加上蘇聯後來解體,美國宣布中止「星戰計劃」。2004年6月5日在美國加利福尼亞的家中因肺炎去世,享年93歲。

Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois, in 1911. Before entering the politics, he had been a lifeguard, a sports radio announcer, a columnist, and a movie and television actor. Reagan was elected the Governor of California in 1966 and was reelected in the consecutive term where he stayed in office until 1974. In 1981, he became the 40th President of the US. Followed the end of the detente in 1979, Reagan, fearing the balance of power would be distorted, introduced the Strategic Defense Initiative (sometimes dubbed as the "Star Wars" (「星戰計劃」) of 1983, which proposed to deploy a space-based defense system to make the US invulnerable to nuclear weapon missile attack. This was aimed to add value to the US military strength, hence forcing the USSR into unsustainable military spending to maintain parity, and upsetting her economy. Reagan's massive military build-up and his bold anti-USSR remarks had contributed to the USSR's near-panic reaction to a routine NATO exercise in November 1983, Able Archer 83. Though the threat of nuclear war was soon resolved, this incident illustrated the possible negative repercussions of Reagan's hardline approach, forcing him from a policy of confrontation towards the USSR to a policy of rapprochement. He had met with Mikhail Gorbachev, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR four times since 1986, and in December 1988, heads of the two powers signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty (《中程導彈裁撤條約》), which contributed a lot to resolve the nuclear crisis. Meanwhile, the "Star Wars" plan had caused great financial burden to the government and had met with technical difficulties, and with the dissolution of the USSR in the 1990s, the US government proclaimed termination of the plan. Reagan died of pneumonia on 5 June 2004 at age 93 at his home in California.

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薩達姆•赫辛 Saddam Hussein(1937年-)

Saddam was born in 1937 in Al-Awja, a town at the outskirt of the Iraqi town of Tikrit, and went to live in Baghdad at the age of 10. Since he joined the Arab Socialist Baath Party in 1956, Saddam rapidly went up in the Party, and he held the position of Deputy Secretary-General for a long period of time. In July 1979, he assumed the presidency of Iraq. On 2 August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait and Saddam declared Kuwait a province of Iraq. This quickly drew the attention of the United Nations which imposed economic sanctions against Iraq, which was then isolated by the international community. On 17 January 1991, a US-led coalition launched attacks on Iraq, and the Gulf War broke out. By the Operation Desert Storm (沙漠風暴) massive aerial attacks and brief ground fightings were launched against Iraq. Air strikes halted on 28 February when Saddam decided to withdrew his troops from Kuwait. On 20 March 2003, the US acted against the will of the United Nations and invaded Iraq, and the Second Gulf War (also known as the Iraq War) broke out. The War ended Saddam's 24 years of presidency, and killed his two sons. The whereabouts of Saddam had not been accounted for until 13 December 2003, when he was captured by the US forces in his home town Tikrit. In 2004, Saddam was confirmed a prisoner of war according to the Geneva Conventions (日內瓦公約). On 5 November 2006, he was sentenced to death by the Iraq Special Tribunal.

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科菲•安南 Kofi Atta Annan (1938年4月8日-)

Annan was born in Kumasi, Ghana in 1938. In 1962, Annan started working as a Budget Officer for the World Health Organization, an agency of the United Nations. In 1990, he was assigned the special task of evacuating 900 international workers and civilians of Western countries from the Iraqi territory during the Iraq-Kuwait War. Later, he led the first UN work team to negotiate with Iraq on selling Iraqi oil in exchange for humanitarian needs for ordinary Iraqi citizens. During 1994 to 1996, Annan was the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, and in 1997 he was appointed the Secretary-General. In 2000, Annan prepared the millennium report entitled "We the peoples: The role of the United Nations in the 21st century", which appealed to member states for their participation in the action plan to eliminate poverty and unequality, improve education, check the spread of AIDS, protect the environment, and protect civilians of all countries from the threats of fatal conflicts and riots. In 2001, Annan and the United Nations were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world". During the US buildup to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Annan called on the US and the United Kingdom not to invade without the support of the United Nations, and, in 2004, he asserted the invasion illegal. In September 2006, Annan gave a farewell address, where he pointed to violence in Africa, and the Arab-Israeli conflict as two major issues warranting attention. Anna retired on 31 December 2006.

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阿道夫•希特拉 Adolf Hitler (1889-1945年)

Hitler was born in Austria 1989. When he was young, he earned his living by designing postcards and advertisements. The First World War broke out in 1914, Hitler went to Germany and fought on the front line. He was promoted to the rank of corporal. The defeat of Germany triggered Hitler's thought on extreme nationalism. He was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933 and declared dictatorship. In 1935, Hitler rearmed Germany and started to annex European territories. In 1939, he conquered Poland and started the Second World War. In 1945, Germany was defeated by the Allies, Hitler committed suicide.


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米高•戈巴卓夫 Mikhail Gorbachev (1931年)

Gorbachev was born to a peasant family. He joined the Communist Party in 1952 and then rose up quickly. In early 1970s, Gorbachev was promoted to the senior rank. He had been leading the Soviet Union during 1985-91, and introduced the policies of glasnost and perestroika. These policies not only allowed greater freedom, but also led to the end of Cold War and collapse of Soviet Union in 1991. He stepped down in the same year, living in Moscow.

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查理斯•戴高樂 Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970年)
戴高樂在1890年於法國里爾(Lille)出生,曾參與第一次世界大戰。1930年代,他以軍事題材撰寫文章,成為作家及富想像力的思想家。1959年成為法國總統,任內致力富國強兵,並下令德軍退出「北大西洋公約組織」。1961及67年,反美的戴高樂兩次反對英國加入當時的「歐洲經濟共同體」(European Economic Community),認為英國會支持美國,削弱法國的勢力。1969年,戴高樂下台,翌年因心臟病發逝世。

De Gaulle was born in Lille, France 1890, and had fought in the First World War. In 1930s, he wrote books and articles on military subjects, which made him a talented writer and imaginative thinker. In 1959, he was proclaimed first president of France, and sought to strengthen his country financially and militarily. He withdrew French forces from NATO. In 1961 and 1967, due to his suspicion of Britain's support to the US, De Gaulle vetoed the entry of Britain into the Common Market. In 1969, he retired from office and died from a heart attack the year after.


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慈禧太后 Cixi (Empress Dowager) (1835-1908)
慈禧太后原是咸豐帝妃。咸豐死後,同治繼任,慈禧成為中國的實際統治者,實行垂簾聽政 (1861-1873)。同治死後,慈禧立其姪為帝,帝號光緒,仍由其聽政。慈禧是一個保守的鐵腕統治者。她干預1898年光緒的現代化計畫 (稱為「百日維新」),後又支持義和團起事。1902-08年間,她礙於形勢,被逼放棄保守政策,實行晚清改革。但是改革為時已晚,並未能挽救滿清王朝的覆滅。

Cixi, a Chinese Empress Dowager, was a consort of Emperor Xianfeng (咸豐帝). On the death of Xianfeng, Cixi became the virtual ruler of China, acting as regent for her son Tongzhi (同治) from 1861-1873. When Tongzhi died, Cixi replaced her nephew, Guangxu (光緒) on the throne and ruled as his regent.
Cixi was a conservative and ironhanded ruler. She interfered with Guangxu's modernization programme in 1898 - the so-called Hundred Days Reform - and subsequently supported the unsuccessful Boxer Uprising. Between 1902 and 1908, she had to give up her former conservatism and carried out the Late Qing Reform. Yet, the reform was too late to save the collapsing Manzu Dynasty.


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董建華 Tung Chee Hwa (1937年- )
董建華於1937年出生於上海,曾於英國修讀海洋工程學,畢業後於美國工作。他於1969年回流香港處理家族生意,並於1992—96年間出任行政局成員。1997年7月,香港回歸袓國,成為香港特別行政區(Hong Kong Special Administrative Region),董建華在首次行政長官競選中勝出,成為特區首任行政長官(Chief Executive),任期5年。2002年,他在沒有競爭對手的情況下連任。

Tung Chee Hwa was born in Shanghai 1937. He studied marine engineering in England and worked in the US after graduation. He returned to Hong Kong for his family business and became a member of the Executive Council during 1992-96. In July 1997, Hong Kong's sovereignty was returned to China and became the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Tung won the first election to the post of Chief Executive, and was formally appointed for a five-year term. In 2002, he was elected uncontested for a second term.

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明治天皇 Emperor Meiji (1852-1912)
明治天皇於 15歲登位,年號明治,有開明的統治的意思。他在1889年頒布《明治憲法》,規定海陸軍大臣有直接向天皇呈奏之權,這使軍人在政治上佔有重要的地位,另外,明治維新以來,日本事事仿傚德國,自跨大和民族乃最優秀的民族,結果導致日本境內軍國主義的崛起,有侵略別國的野心。

Meiji Emperor came to the throne at the age of 15. The title of his reign, Meiji, means enlightened rule. In 1889, he promulgated the Meiji Constitution, which required the ministries of the army and navy to directly report to the emperor. Thus, the military acquired an important position in the political scene. Throughout Meiji Modernization, Japan was modeled on Germany. She even promoted the Japanese community as the best race, leading to the rise of militarism and aggression.


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袁世凱 Yuan Shikai (1859-1916)

Yuan Shikai was a Chinese military leader and statesman in the last years of the Qing Dynasty. With the outbreak of the 1911 revolution, Yuan was placed in charge of the imperial troops in Northern China. Later, he successfully persuaded the Qing emperor to abdicate. Sun Yixian then resigned from the provisional president of the Chinese republic in favour of Yuan. Soon after that, Yuan assumed dictatorial control of China and even attempted to restore the monarchy. However, the rebellion in the southern provinces forced him to give up his plan in April 1916. He died two months later.


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弗拉基米爾.列寧 Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)

Lenin was a Russian revolutionary, the leader of the Bolshevik Party, the first leader of the Soviet Union and the founder of the ideology of Leninism. Lenin advocated violent revolution, and emphasized rule by peasants with no class division. Therefore, after the Second Revolution initiated by the Bolshevik Party in October 1917, Lenin formed a Communist country.


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富蘭克林.羅斯福 Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945)

Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the US. He was regarded as one of the greatest and most popular presidents in US history. He was elected for 4 terms of presidency. During the Second World War, the US adopted the non-interference policy. However, she adopted strict measures towards Hitler. Roosevelt led the Allies in collaboration with Churchill. As the leader of the wartime conference, Roosevelt insisted on Germany's unconditional surrender and supported the creation of the United Nations as a peace-keeping organization.

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蔣介石 Jiang Jieshi (1887-1975)
蔣介石名中正,浙江奉化人,是近代中國歷史上最具影響力的將軍和政治人物。1909年,他在東京加入同盟會。1911 年,爆發辛亥革命,蔣介石從日本返國,出任第五軍軍團團長。1917年,他加入國民黨,追隨孫中山左右。1949年10月1 日,中華人民共和國成立.以蔣介石為首的國民黨退踞台灣,在美國的蔭庇下,成立中華民國。他們的「反共政治結構」造成了今天仍然存在的海峽兩岸統一問題。

Jiang Jieshi was the most influential commander and political figure in modern Chinese history. In 1909, he joined the Tongmenghui in Tokyo. When the 1911 Revolution broke out in 1911, Jiang Jieshi returned to China from Japan and headed the fifth army. In 1917, he joined the GMD and followed the lead of Sun Yixian. On 1st October 1949, the People's Republic of China was established. The GMD, headed by Jiang Jieshi, moved to Taiwan. Under the protection of the US, the Republic of China was established. Their 'Anti-Communist Political Structure' created the problem of reunification between China and Taiwan.


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東姑拉曼 Tunku Abdul Rahman (1903-1990)

Tunku Abdul Rahman was a major figure of bringing Malaysians under British colonial rule to independence. He was highly regarded as the 'Father of Independence'. In 1956, he led a tour to London, and discussed with the British government concerning the issue of independence of Malaysia. They finally signed the 'Treaty of Independence'. In August 1957, Malaysia declared its independence. Tunku Abdul Rahman was the first Prime Minister of Malaya and the Federation of Malaysia.

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理察.尼克遜 Richard Nixon (1913-1994 )
他於1969年成為美國總統,他十分支持緩和,指出美國「將友誼之手伸至      蘇聯及中國」。1950年代初,美蘇進行軍備競賽,其後兩大超級強國均意識到武器限制的重要,以緩和東西方的關係,故此,於1972及1979年,尼克遜總統與蘇聯領導人布里玆尼夫分別簽訂了《第一回合限制戰略武器條約》及《第二回合限制戰略武器條約》。1972年,尼克遜出訪中國,成為有史以來首位出訪中華人民共和國的美國總統,並於1979年建立中美全面的外交關係。

Richard Nixon became president of the US in 1969. He was a strong supporter of detente and said that the US 'extended the hand of friendship to the Soviet and Chinese people'. In the early 1950s, there was an armament race between the US and Soviet Union. Later, both the superpowers were aware of the need for arms control to ease the East-West relations. Therefore, Nixon and Soviet Premier Brezhnev signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) I and II in 1972 and 1979 respectively. In 1972, Nixon visited China and became the first American president to visit China. Full diplomatic relations were established in 1979.



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威利.白蘭度 Willy Brandt (1913-1992)

Willy Brandt was the first premier of West Germany. In 1964, he became the chairman of the Social Democratic Party. In 1974, he accepted the invitation to chair the Independent Commission on International Development Issues which published its findings in 1980 and is known as the Brandt Report. The Brandt Report is about world's economy, and suggests the North and South can benefit each other.

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胡耀邦 Hu Yaobang (1915-1989)

Hu Yaobang was a close relative of Deng Xiaoping. In 1980, he was elected the Standing Committee of the Politburo and named the secretary-general of the Party . He was responsible in formulating economic reforms and adjusting foreign policies. In 1987, he resigned from the position of secretary-general of the CPC. On 15th April 1989, he died because of heart attack. His condolence aroused 5000 university students to protest at the Tiananmen Square. Protesters shouted slogans, expressing their wishes to promote democracy, refrain from dictatorship and corruption. The violent suppression on university students on 4th June was known as the June Fourth Incident.

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馬可斯 Ferdinand Edralin Marcos (1917-1989)

Marcos was elected President of the Philippines in 1965 and re-elected in 1969. He raised money for his election campaign from powerful and wealthy sponsors. He exercised authoritarianism through democracy and anti-communism, and believed 'constitutional authoritarianism' could do a better job in preserving the political culture of the Philippines.

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戴卓爾夫人 Margaret Thatcher (1925-) 

Since 1975, Margaret Thatcher had been the leader of the Conservative Party. She won the general election and became the British Prime Minister in 1979. She was not only the first female Prime Minister, but also held the longest office (eleven years) in the 20th century. During her office, she was called the 'Iron Lady'. In 1984, she represented the British government to sign the Joint Declaration with the Chinese government. Due to her policies, she lost support from the cabinet, so she quit from the election of the Conservative Party's leader as well as Prime Minister.

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葉利欽 Boris Yeltsin (1931)

Boris Yeltsin was the President of Russia from 1991 to 1999. Since 1961, he had been a member of the Communist Party. However, he was sacked in 1985-1987 for criticizing Gorbachev's pace of reform. After the fall of Gorbachev, Yeltsin was elected President in 1991. He had been a democracy supporter, but later became a dictator. On 31 December 1999, he suddenly resigned from presidency via television broadcast.

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陳方安生 Anson Chan (1940-)
陳方安生是香港首位女性華人布政司,是公務員之首。她於1962 年畢業於香港大學英文及英國文學學系,畢業後隨即加入政府,她服務政府近40年,曾先後出任社會福利署署長、經濟司和公務員事務司,1993 年,她出任布政司一職,並於2001 年4月退休。1992年,她獲頒英帝國司令勳章,其後更獲頒大紫荊勳章。

As the head of civil service, Anson Chan was the first woman and Chinese Secretary for Administration. She studied English and English Literature at the University of Hong Kong and received the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1962. She then joined the Hong Kong government. Having served the government for 4 decades, she had been the Director of Social Welfare, Secretary for Economic Services and Secretary for the Civil Service. In 1993, she was promoted to the position of Chief Secretary, and retired in April 2001. In 1992, she was awarded Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire and the Grand Bauhinia Medal.

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華勒沙 Lech Walesa (1943-)
華勒沙是波蘭的英雄及1983年諾貝爾和平獎的得主。自1945年起,波蘭成為蘇聯的衛星國家,受制於共產政府的一黨專政,但人民卻生活困苦,華勒沙有見及此在波蘭組織了一個名為「團結」的貿易工會,支持工人示威和罷工,1985年,蘇聯領導人戈巴卓夫與「團結」達成協議,解除組織工會的禁令,並容許反對黨的成立,以及計劃自由選舉,結果於1989 年8月,首個東歐非共產政府成功奪權,華勒沙成為波蘭總統。

Walesa was a hero to Poland and the Nobel Peace Prizewinner in 1983. Since 1945, Poland had been a Soviet satellite under the one-party rule of the communist government. However, everyday life in Poland is difficult. Walesa thus formed a trade union called 'Solidarity' to support workers' strikes. In 1988, Russian leader Gorbachev initiated talks with Solidarity. Gorbachev agreed to lift the ban on the union, and allowed opposing political parties to be formed and plan for free elections. As a result, the first non-communist government in Eastern Europe took power in August 1989, with Walesa the president.

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