義和團起事 The Boxer Uprising (1900年)
晚清改革 Late Qing Reforms (1901-11年)
辛亥革命 1911 Revolution (1911年)
五四運動 May Fourth Movement (1919年)
中國共產黨的成立 Establishment of the Communist Party of China (1921年)
第一次國共合作 First United Front (1924-27年)
共產黨的重組 Reorganization of the Communists (1927-34年)
長征 Long March (1934-35年)
新生活運動 New Life Movement (1934年)
第二次國共合作 The Second United Front (1937-45年)
國共內戰 Chinese Civil War (1946-49年)
核心家庭 Nuclear family (1960年起)
中華人民共和國成立 Establishment of the People's Republic of China (1949年)
農業集體化 Agricultural collectivization (1952-56年)
三面紅旗運動 Three Red Banners Movement (1958年)
大躍進  Great Leap Forward (1958-60年)
人民公社  People's Communes (1958-84年)
文化大革命 Cultural Revolution (1966-76年)
林彪事件與「四人幫」的倒台 Lin Biao incident and the collapse of the 'Gang of Four' (1969年)
蘇聯入侵阿富汗 Soviet's invasion of Afghanistan (1979年)
蘇聯瓦解 Collapse of the USSR (1991年)
朝鮮危機 Crisis on the Korean Peninsula


The first crisis on the Korean Peninsula broke out in the early 1990s when the US satellite imagery suggested North Korea was developing nuclear weapons. The crisis escalated in October 2002 when the US accused North Korea of developing nuclear weapons, and North Korea insisted that she had the right to develop nuclear weapons or any weapons more powerful than that. On 10 January 2003, several months after the incident, North Korea announced withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (《不擴散核武器條約》). On 5 July 2006, North Korea test-launched a series of ballistic missiles, and the UN Security Council passed unanimously the resolution 1695 on the 15th day the same month which expressed grave concern at the multiple launches, condemned such an action, and demanded that the country re-establish her commitments to a moratorium on missile launching. However, North Korea maintained that she was not bound by resolution of this nature, and she took a further step on 3 October the same year by announcing that she was about to conduct nuclear tests in the field of scientific research. The UN Security Council promptly responded by issuing a presidential statement on 6 October 2006 which urged the country not to undertake such a test, and warned that further action would be taken if the country ignored calls of the international community. Instead of halting the test, North Korea announced on 9 October 2006 that she had successfully conducted an underground nuclear test.

義和團起事 The Boxer Uprising (1900年)


As the Chinese felt humiliated by the foreign invasion, the anti-foreign violence thus broke out in 1900, known as the Boxer Uprising. The Boxers adopted the slogan 'protect the Qing, destroy the foreigners' and attacked foreigners, missionaries and Chinese converts. Eventually the Boxers were suppressed by the Eight Power Expedition formed by European powers.

晚清改革 Late Qing Reforms (1901-11年)


During the late Qing period, China faced internal instability and external invasion. The Qing government thus carried out a series of reform measures in 1901, known as the Late Qing Reforms. However, the reforms failed because it came too late and there were no capable leaders. Moreover, the reforms were only carried out to prolong the Qing rule with no sincerity.

辛亥革命 1911 Revolution (1911年)


The Wuchang Uprising broke out on 10th October 1911, known as the 1911 Revolution or Double Tenth Revolution. The Revolution was a success due to the exile of Qing officials. On 1st January 1912, the Republic of China was established in Nanjing.

五四運動 May Fourth Movement (1919年)

北京學生及民眾對於各國在巴黎和會中,竟准許日本奪取德國在山東的利益而表示不滿,於是在1919 年5月4日組織大規模的反日示威,即「五四運動」。五四運動是中國民族主義運動的序幕。

Students and the general public in Beijing were dissatisfied with the settlement in Paris Peace Conference, in which Japan was allowed to get Germany's interest in Shandong. They organized a large-scale protest against Japan on 4th May 1919, known as the May Fourth Incident, which started the movement of nationalism in China.

中國共產黨的成立 Establishment of the Communist Party of China (1921年)


Owing to the death of Yuan Shikai in 1916, the warlords and the deprivation of Western powers, China saw a rise in nationalism. People supporting the CPC believed that anti-capitalism and anti-imperialism helped solve the problems of China. The CPC was therefore formed in 1921, Chen Duxiu was elected general secretary of the party.

第一次國共合作 First United Front (1924-27年)


Although the objectives of the two parties were different, both the CPC and GMD wanted to cooperate in order to check the influence of the Soviet Union on China. Therefore, the GMD-CPC cooperation was formally proclaimed in 1924. The Chinese communist agreed to assist the GMD in its reorganization. They were to join the GMD as individuals rather than as Communists.

共產黨的重組 Reorganization of the Communists (1927-34年)

1927 年4月,國民黨的蔣介石突擊上海的共產黨人,300名共產黨人遭處決,第一次國共合作破裂後,毛澤東及朱德在井崗山重組共產黨員,並成立了紅軍。

In April 1927,Jiang Jieshi of the GMD led a sudden attack on the Communists in Shanghai. More than 300 Communists were executed. After the collapse of the First United Front, Mao Zedong and Zhu De fled to Jinggangshan to regroup the Communists there. The Chinese Red Army was also formed.

長征 Long March (1934-35年)

國民黨的蔣介石決意把共產黨黨員斬草除根,為了避免給國民黨連根拔起,及北上抗日,共產黨決定分批突圍,由瑞金向西北進發,1934 年10月,約10萬人踏上了「長征」之路,長征期間,共產黨不斷傳播共產主義思想。

Jiang Jieshi of the GMD was determined to exterminate the Communists. To avoid total destruction by the GMD and to defend China against the Japanese, the Communists decided to go westward from Ruijin. About 100,000 people went on the Long March in October 1934. The Communists continued to spread their ideas of communism during the Long March.

新生活運動 New Life Movement (1934年)


The Nanjing government started the New Life Movement in 1934 to promote a spiritual awakening among the Chinese. The movement stressed promptness, truthfulness, courtesy, loyalty, hygiene, devotion to public services and the four traditional virtues of politeness, righteousness, integrity and self-respect. The movement strengthened a sense of national unity and was conducive to the fight against Japanese invasion.

第二次國共合作 The Second United Front (1937-45年)


In 1931, the Japanese seized the northern provinces of Manchuria. However, Jiang did little to stop the Japanese because he regarded the Communists as a greater threat. It was not until the Xian Incident that Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng kidnapped Jiang and forced him to form a united front against the Japanese. In early 1937, Jiang finally agreed to the Second United Front against the Japanese.

國共內戰 Chinese Civil War (1946-49年)

1945 年,第二次中日戰爭結束,日本的戰敗觸發國共兩黨爭奪日本佔領區。1945年12月,國共之間爆發零星衝突,美國遂派遣馬歇爾將軍到中國協助兩黨和解,可惜由於雙方的互不信任,停火協議於1946年6月宣告失效,中國全面爆發內戰。

After the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1945, Japan's defeat set off a race between the Nationalists and Communists for formerly Japanese-occupied territory. In December 1945, piecemeal fightings between the two sides began. The United States thus sent General Marshall to mediate between two parties. The two sides initially agreed to a truce, yet since neither side trusted the other, the truce collapsed in July 1946. Civil war then broke out.

中華人民共和國成立 Establishment of the People's Republic of China (1949年)


Between 1946 and 1949, there was a civil war between the Nationalist Party and Communist Party. The People's Liberation Army of the Communist Party occupied Nanjing in April 1949. In October the same year, Mao Zedong declared the establishment of the People's Republic of China.

土地改革 Land Reforms (1950-52年)


In 1950,Mao Zedong promulgated the Land Reform Law. The land taken from the landlords was redistributed to the peasants. Eventually 300 million landless peasants were given land. In 1952, grain production climbed to a record height.

農業集體化 Agricultural collectivization (1952-56年)

土地經過重新分配後,農民擁有的土地不多,而且他們仍然採用落後的  農耕方法,為了避免飢荒,政府實行農業集體化,以增加產量。

Even after the land redistribution, the peasants did not have much land and they still used their old-fashioned farming methods. In order to avoid famine, the government began the agricultural collectivization to increase production.

三面紅旗運動 Three Red Banners Movement (1958年)


Mao Zedong started the 'Three Red Banners' movement during the Second Five-Year Plan (1958-62), to mobilize people to increase agricultural and industrial output in a short time. The 'Three Red Banners' means the 'General Line for Socialist Construction', 'Great Leap Forward' and 'People's Communes'.

大躍進  Great Leap Forward (1958-60年)


In mid-1958, Mao launched the 'Great Leap Forward' campaign, which was a revolution based on the masses of peasants and workers. The campaign was to mobilize China's entire 600 million population to overcome the limitations of economic scarcity. It was hoped that such a great leap would bring a new form of socialism to the countryside and the towns.

人民公社  People's Communes (1958-84年)


Cooperatives were merged into super-cooperatives called communes, which were groups of 50 to 60 villages, each with a combined population of about 20,000 to 30,000 people on average. The communes were responsible for growing agricultural products, building dams, weaving cloth and running many local industries. They also build their own schools, hospitals, stores and machine shops. In other words, a commune was expected to become self-sufficient, while the government aimed to accelerate the building of socialism.

文化大革命 Cultural Revolution (1966-76年)


It was a new super-campaign launched by Mao Zedong in 1966. He disagreed with the rise of elite classes because this is incompatible with the principles of communism. Mao suggested to build a communist society in which everyone is equal, so he formed the Red Guards to denounce and humiliate their seniors.

林彪事件與「四人幫」的倒台 Lin Biao incident and the collapse of the 'Gang of Four' (1969年)


In 1969, Lin was designated as Mao's official successor. Two years later, he tried to overthrow through a coup detat but failed. He was eventually killed in a plane crash while trying to escape to the Soviet Union. After the death of Mao in September 1976, the Gang of Four (Mao's wife Jiang Qing and her three allies from Shanghai including Wang Hongwen, Zhang Chunqiao and Yao Wenyuan) tried to take control of the government and seize the power. However, Hua and other leaders united to have them arrested.

蘇聯入侵阿富汗 Soviet's invasion of Afghanistan (1979年)


In 1979, the Soviet government sent troops to Afghanistan to help the unpopular pro-Soviet communist government fight against the anti-communist, pro-Muslim rebels. The United States had warned the Soviet Union not to invade Afghanistan, because she was afraid that the Soviet invasion might pose a threat to the oil-supplying states in the Middle East. Relations between the East and West turned bad after the invasion of Afghanistan, leading to the Second Cold War.

蘇聯瓦解 Collapse of the USSR (1991年)


In August 1991, Yeltsin led the resistance force against the attempt made by some hard-line communists and army officers to remove Gorbachev and his government. Yeltsin demanded that Gorbachev sign a decree abolishing the Communist Party's control of the USSR. Moreover, Russia and other republics agreed to create a new organization called the Commonwealth of Independent States. However, the three Baltic republics and Georgia, that remained outside the new organization, formed new states. The Soviet Union was finally broken up.

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