聯合國呼籲成立巴勒斯坦援助基金 (2006年)
以黎衝突 (2006年1月)
第一次摩洛哥危機 The First Moroccan Crisis (1905-06年)
波斯尼亞危機 Bosnian Crisis (1908年)
第二次摩洛哥危機 The Second Moroccan Crisis (1911年)
巴爾幹戰爭 Balkan Wars (1912-13年)
以阿戰爭 The Arab-Israeli War (1948-49)
推行種族隔離政策 Implementation of the Apartheid (1948)
蘇彝士戰爭 Suez War (1956年)
沙佩維爾大屠殺 The Sharpeville Massacre (1960)
六日戰爭 (The Six-Day War) (1967年)
贖罪日戰爭 Yom Kippur War (1973年)
索維托起義 Soweto Uprising (1976-77年)
曼德拉被釋放Release of Mandela (1990)
第一次塞克戰爭 The First Serb-Croat War (1991年)
波斯尼亞戰爭 War in Bosnia (1992年)
拉賓當選為以色列總統 Rabin became the president of Israel (1993)
第二次塞克戰爭 The Second Serb-Croat War (1995年)

聯合國呼籲成立巴勒斯坦援助基金 UN launched an appeal for emergency aid for Palestinians (2006年)


In 2006, the UN agencies appealed for donors to provide US$450 million in emergency humanitarian funds for Palestine in 2007 to improve the deteriorating living condition over the territories. Financial crisis arose in Palestine when the US and Europe imposed sanctions on the Palestinian government in 2006 because Hamas, an Islamic organization, refused to recognize Israel or renounce violence. As a result of the crippling sanctions, more and more residents in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are living in poverty. The unemployment rate has soared to 25% - 40% and people there cannot even afford daily needs. Basic services such as health care and education are deteriorating. In view of the gloom situation, the United Nations called for raising the humanitarian funds for Palestine in 2007.

以黎衝突(2006年1月) The Israeli-Lebanon conflict (January 2006)


In January 2006, Hamas of Palestine won the democratic election supported by the US. The US and Israel responded by a cut of financial assistance to Palestine, aiming to force Hamas out of power. Their action had put Palestine into economic difficulty and irritated Hamas. In June the same year, Hamas hit an Israeli sentry post in the southern Gaza Strip, killing 3 Israeli soldiers, and kidnapping one. Israeli speedily arrested and imprisoned a number of ministers and councillors of the Hamas government and launched massive bombing and intrusion into the Gaza Strip. The Israeli-Lebanon conflict was on the verge of breaking out. On 12 July 2006 morning, Hezbollah fired rockets and mortars at Israeli military positions and border villages in the north. The assault was immediately responded by Israel's counterattacks and the Israeli-Lebanon conflict broke out. Since then, Lebanon had launched rocket attacks toward the Israeli territory incessantly, and Israel responded with massive attack on Lebanese civilian infrastructure, including airport, roads and bridges, and a naval blockade. The conflict was brought to an end by the UN-brokered ceasefire in August 2006. By then it had killed over 1,100 Lebanese and 150 Israelis, most of whom were civilians, and displaced about 900,000 Lebanese. As soon as Hamas went into open confrontation with Israel, Hezbollah of Lebanon proclaimed its support for Hamas. On 12 July morning, Hezbollah initiated a diversionary rocket and mortar attacks at Israeli military positions and villages near the Lebanese border; at the same time, its ground contingent crossed the border into Israeli territory and attacked Israeli military vehicles, killing three Israeli soldiers, and capturing another two. A tank was sent in an attempt to rescue the two kidnapped soldiers but the rescuers were attacked when they entered the Lebanese territory. Four of them were killed in the blast instantly, and the fifth soldier died during an ensuing firefight. On 12 July 2006, Hezbollah initiated the military operation named "Operation Truthful Promise" (誠實的許諾行動), by which it attacked northern Israel, killing 8 Israeli soldiers and captured another two. This irritated Israel which struck back with the "Operation Just Reward" (正義報酬行動). At the night of 18 July, the Israeli troops stormed the Baalbek district of Lebanon.

第一次摩洛哥危機 The First Moroccan Crisis (1905-06年)

1904年,英法兩國簽訂了「摯誠協定」,法國可自由據摩洛哥為自己殖民地,此舉驚動了德國,1905 年,德皇為遏止法國的野心,出訪摩洛哥重要的港口丹吉爾,並表明摩洛哥必須獨立。1906年,12個國家代表參加在西班牙阿爾及西勒舉行的會議,決定把犘洛哥劃歸在法國的勢力範圍內,法德關係因而惡化。

In 1904, the Entente Cordiale was signed between France and Britain, by which France was given a free hand in Morocco. This alarmed Germany whose Kaiser, William II, favoured an active colonial policy and who was trying to secure colonies in Africa. To keep in check French ambitions, the German Kaiser visited Tangier, an important part in Morocco, in 1905. In 1906, twelve states sent representatives to the conference at Algeciras in Spain. It was decided that Morocco was to come within the French sphere of influence. Franco-German relations worsened.

波斯尼亞危機 Bosnian Crisis (1908年)


In 1908, Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia and Russia were angry at the Austrian action. Serbia hoped to bring the neighbouring lands of Bosnia and Herzegovina under her control and form a large independent Slav country. Germany declared that she would aid Austria-Hungary. The German intervention discouraged Russian from taking immediate action against Austria-Hungary. Russia and Serbia were therefore forced to accept the annexation. However, anti-Austrian feeling increased in Serbia. A terrorist secret society, the Black Hand was formed by the Serbs to encourage a nationalist movement against Austria-Hungary.

第二次摩洛哥危機 The Second Moroccan Crisis (1911年)


In 1911, there was an uprising against the sultan in Morocco. Sultan then asked France for help, who sent troops to capture Fez, the Moroccan capital. The German kaiser sent a gunboat, the Panther, to Agadir to protect German interest. A war between Germany and France (supported by Britain) seemed likely. In the end, Germany backed down. The Second Moroccan Crisis was settled when Morocco became a protectorate under France.

巴爾幹戰爭 Balkan Wars (1912-13年)


The declining Turkish Empire was further weakened at the turn of the 20th century. Balkan countries were ready to take advantage of the situation to drive the Turks out of Europe. Two Balkan Wars broke out. After the wars, Turkey lost most of her European territory, whereas Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria shared among themselves most of the territories Turkey had lost.

以阿戰爭 The Arab-Israeli War (1948-49)


Since the Arabs resisted to accept Israel and United Nations' suggestion on separating Palestine, people in Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq joined together with Arabs to attack Israel. In February 1949, Israel defeated Arabs and obtained more lands than that suggested by the United Nations.

推行種族隔離政策 Implementation of the Apartheid (1948)

1948年,馬蘭博士率領的民族主義黨贏得南非普選,標誌著「種族隔離」政策(The policy of Apartheid)的開始,政策所指的是分隔所有種族,並讓他們得到平等的對待,但實際上,政策只為保障南非內白人的利益,黑人和有色人種獲分配最劣等的東西。

In 1948, the Nationalist Party led by Daniel Malan won the general election, marking the start of the policy of Apartheid. In theory, the policy 'apartheid' means separate but equal development for all races, but in practice, South Africa's black and coloured population were allocated with the worst of everything. The aim of the policy was to separate the whites and blacks in every aspect of life and to ensure white control in South Africa.

蘇彝士戰爭 Suez War (1956年)


From its very beginning, Israel's most powerful enemy was Egypt, whose ambition was to nationalize the Suez Canal. Britain, France and Israel then entered into a secret plot. Israel was to invade Egypt, under the pretext of separating the two sides to protect the canal. Egypt was later defeated, the Soviet Union and the United States were then aware of the importance of supplying weapons to the Arab states. Thus superpower rivalries quickly grew in the area.

沙佩維爾大屠殺 The Sharpeville Massacre (1960)


In 1960, there was a large demonstration against the apartheid policy in the African township of Sharpeville. The police fired into the crowd. In the end, 69 people were killed and 180 were wounded. The massacre led to mass riot, leaders including Mandela were arrested and held in prison.

六日戰爭 (The Six-Day War) (1967年)


After the Suez War in 1956, a UN force guarded the Israel-Arab border. In 1967, in order to safeguard its own interest, Israel destroyed the air forces of Jordan, Syria and Egypt in merely 6 days, and also seized Sinai from Egypt, West Bank from Jordan and Golan Heights from Syria. Israel was in a stronger position than ever before. She now became more secure.

贖罪日戰爭 Yom Kippur War (1973年)


In 1973, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel during the Jewish religious festival of Yom Kippur, in order to seek revenge for the Six-Day War. Egypt and Syria were supplied with weapons by the Soviet Union while Israel had bought weapons from the United States. The two sides were evenly matched and fought with each other to a standstill. Eventually, Russia encouraged Syria and Egypt to end the war when the United States went on a full nuclear alert, the tightest stage of war readiness. The United States, on the other hand, were frightened at the possibility of losing oil supply and therefore, forced Israel to stop the war. The UN arranged a cease-fire.

索維托起義 Soweto Uprising (1976-77年)

1976年,數千名黑人青年在索維托發動起義,反對政府的教育政策,並抗議學校簡陋設施,以及被強迫學習波爾人的南非荷蘭語。警方最後開槍鎮壓,但直至1997年才完全平息,當時超過500 人被殺。

In 1976, thousands of black teenagers rioted in Soweto against the government's education policy. They were protesting the poor facilities in schools and their being forced to learn Afrikanns, the language of the Boers. The police opened fire on the protesters. The riot did not stop until 1977, over 500 people had been killed.

曼德拉被釋放Release of Mandela (1990)

1990年,南非總統德克勒克釋放曼德拉(Mandela)和撤銷組織「非洲國民大會」(African National Congress)的禁令,1994年,「非洲國民大會」贏得首個全南非的「一人一票」普選,曼德拉當選為總統。

In 1990, De Klerk released Mandela and cancelled the banning of the African National Congress (ANC). In 1994, the ANC won the first all-South 'one person, one vote' election, Mandela was elected President.

第一次塞克戰爭 The First Serb-Croat War (1991年)


In June 1991, Croatia declared her independence from Federal Yugoslavia. However, most Croats feared that the new country would wipe out their culture and way of living. A prolonged conflict between Croats and Serbs followed. It did not stop until the intervention of the US. By then, the UN peacekeepers were in Croatia, and its independence was internationally recognized. Yet, troubles continued.

波斯尼亞戰爭 War in Bosnia (1992年)


In 1992, Bosnians voted in a referendum for independence. Consequently, 99% of the voters supported independence. In April 1992, Bosnia was recognized as an independent country by the EC and the United States. This was unacceptable to the Serbs, Bosnia was then plunged into war. Though the United Nations imposed economic sanctions against Serbia, it did not take any military action and the Serbs took control of over 70% of Bosnia. The war lasted for four years, by December 1995, Dayton Peace Accord was signed between the presidents of Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia. The accord left a fragile Bosnia divided into two separate self-governing republics.

拉賓當選為以色列總統 Rabin became the president of Israel (1993)


In 1993, the left-wing government headed by Rabin was elected in the Israel. He signed and agreement with Arafat, the leader of PLO, and allowed to Palestinians to have self-rule over Gaza and some parts of the West Bank. However, the Arabs were dissatisfied with this, and the problem of Palestine still remained difficult to be solved. Rabin was even killed by a radical Jewish student two years later (1995), and was accused to 'hand over our country (Israel) to the Arabs'.

第二次塞克戰爭 The Second Serb-Croat War (1995年)


By 1995, the Croatian army had been reorganized and strengthened. It launched attacks on the Serb-held territory. The Croatian army recaptured most of the territory seized by the Serbs in 1991.

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