施里芬計劃 Schlieffen Plan (1905年)
第一次世界大戰爆發 The outbreak of the First World War (1914年)
第一次世界大戰結束 The end of the First World War (1917年)
巴黎和會 Paris Peace Conference (1919年)
國際聯盟成立 Establishment of the League of Nations (1919年)
經濟大衰退 The Great Depression (1929-34年)
阿比西尼亞危機 Abyssinian Crisis (1935-36年)
捷克問題 Issue of Czechoslovakia (1938-39年)
第二次世界大戰爆發 The outbreak of the Second World War (1939年)
第二次世界大戰結束 The end of the Second World War (1945年)
聯合國成立 Establishment of the United Nations (1945年)
馬歇爾計劃 Marshall Plan (1947年)
世界衛生組織成立 Establishment of the World Health Organization (1948年)
築建柏林圍牆 Building of the Berlin Wall (1961年)
古巴導彈危機 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962年)
無國界醫生成立 Establishment of the Medecins Sans Frontieres (1971年)
美蘇聯合太空任務 Joint Space Project between the US and Soviet Union (1975 年)
柏林圍牆被拆毀 Demolition of the Berlin Wall (1989年)
南斯拉夫內戰爆發  Outbreak of the Yugoslav civil wars (1991年)
歐洲聯盟成立 Establishment of the European Union  (1992年)
施里芬計劃 Schlieffen Plan (1905年)


This was a plan drawn up by General von Schlieffen for Germany during the First World War. It suggested a rapid attack on France before striking Russia on the Eastern Front. However, the plan failed and German forces met fierce Belgian resistance.

第一次世界大戰爆發 The outbreak of the First World War (1914年)

奧地利皇儲斐迪南大公(Archduke Ferdinand)在訪問波斯尼亞時遇刺身亡,奧匈聲言是塞爾維亞的陰謀,雙方關係變得緊張。衝突中,塞爾維亞得到俄國的支持,而奧匈亦取得德國的「空頭支票」(The blank cheque),得到她的無條件的協助,奧匈遂向塞爾維亞發出最後通牒。由於塞爾維亞拒絕接受其中一項要求,奧匈於是向塞爾維亞宣戰,事件最終演變成世界大戰。

The Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, was assassinated during his visit to Bosnia. Austria-Hungary claimed that the assassination was a plot, her relations with Serbia then became tense. Serbia gained support from Russia, whereas Austria-Hungary also got 'the blank cheque' from Germany, which provided her with unconditional support. Thus, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia. Due to Serbia's rejection to accept one of the clauses, Austria-Hungary declared war to Serbia. The incident then turned to a world war.

第一次世界大戰結束 The end of the First World War (1917年)

美軍於1917年加入第一次世界大戰,為疲竭的協約國注入新能量。德軍在缺乏兵員和物資補給的情況下,士氣十分低落,加上以同盟國逐一被打敗,終迫使德國求和,於1918年11 月向協約國投降,大戰結束。

The US joined the First World War in 1917, injecting a new force to the Allies which was exhausted. Under the conditions of running short of men and supplies, German's morale began to decline. The Central Powers were defeated one by one by the Allies, therefore, Germany had no choice but to ask for peace. She surrendered to the Allies in November 1918, leading to the end of the First World War.

巴黎和會 Paris Peace Conference (1919年)

1919年1月,第一次世界大戰戰勝國的代表在巴黎附近的凡爾賽舉行會議,這會議名為「巴黎和平會議」(Paris Peace Conference),會上簽訂《凡爾賽和約》(Treaty of Versailles)。德國在和約中受到嚴厲懲罰,包括承擔所有戰爭罪責、賠款及幾乎被完全解除武裝等。

In January 1919, delegates from the victorious countries met at Versailles near Paris. This meeting was called the Paris Peace Conference, where the Treaty of Versailles was signed. Germany was severely punished in the Treaty, which imposed her the war guilt clause, required her for reparations and almost complete disarmament.

國際聯盟成立 Establishment of the League of Nations (1919年)


The League of Nations was established when its proposal was adopted in the Versailles Settlement in 1919. Its headquarters is in Geneva. It is an international organization which aims at maintaining ever-lasting world peace and security. The League had an Assembly which consisted of 24 original member states. Every member sent representatives and was entitled one vote. The Assembly met at least once a year, to discuss any matter raised by a member, fix the league's budget, admit new members and elect non-permanent members of the Council.

經濟大衰退 The Great Depression (1929-34年)


In 1929, the American stock market collapsed overnight, sparking off the depression. It quickly spread to Europe, and attacked Germany harder than any other European country. As a result, many businessmen went bankrupt. There were also serious bank failures and high unemployment rates.

阿比西尼亞危機 Abyssinian Crisis (1935-36年)

意大利侵略東非的阿比西尼亞(埃塞俄比亞),阿比西尼亞求助於國際聯盟,國 際聯盟隨即向意大利施行經濟制裁,但這並未令意大利撤離阿比西尼亞,德美等國亦繼續與意大利進行貿易,最終意大利於1936年佔據整個阿比西尼亞。並於1937年退出國聯。

Italy invaded Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in Africa. Abyssinia sought help from the League of Nations, which condemned Italy's action and imposed economic sanctions. However, the sanctions failed to force Italy out of Abyssinia. Germany and the United States continued to trade with Italy, which then conquered the whole of Abyssinia in 1936 and withdrew from the league in 1937.

捷克問題 Issue of Czechoslovakia (1938-39年)


After its occupation of Austria in 1938, Germany pursued to occupy the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. Germany controlled 3 million Sudeten Germans, took over one-fifth of Czechoslovakia's territory and her heavy industries and coal mines. Such concessions were made due to the appeasement policy of Britain and France. An appeasement policy means to pacify the aggressors by satisfying their wants. This made Hitler more aggressive and annexed the whole of Czechoslovakia in 1939.

第二次世界大戰爆發 The outbreak of the Second World War (1939年)


The Second World War started from Germany's invasion of Poland. This was initially a war between the Central Power (Germany, Italy and Japan) and Allies (Britain, France), but it turned to be a global war due to the entry of the Soviet Union and US in 1941.

第二次世界大戰結束 The end of the Second World War (1945年)

1945年5月7 日,德國宣布無條件投降,翌日(5月8日),盟軍宣布為「歐洲勝利日」(VE Day)。不過,日本仍拒絕投降,美國於是在日本的廣島及長崎先後投下兩枚原子彈,日本傷亡慘重,遂於8月14日投降,第二次世界大戰也正式結束了。日本投降後的翌日為「日本投降日」(VJ Day)。

On 7th May 1945, Germany surrendered unconditionally. The Allies declared the following day (8th May) the VE Day. However, Japan resisted to surrender, the US then dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagazaki. Japan suffered seriously, thus surrendered on 14th August, leading to the end of Second World War. The day following Japanese surrender was called the VJ Day.

聯合國成立 Establishment of the United Nations (1945年)


The Second World War made most countries realize the importance of creating a more effective permanent peace keeping organization. Before the end of the war, the major powers had taken steps to set up a new international body to replace the League of Nations. The United Nations was finally formed in October 1945.

馬歇爾計劃 Marshall Plan (1947年)


The plan was introduced by the US in 1947. It provided Europe with huge financial assistance for economic recovery. In this way, the spread of communism in Europe could be checked. The plan was open to all countries, including the Soviet Union and her satellites.

世界衛生組織成立 Establishment of the World Health Organization (1948年)


The World Health Organization was set up in 1948. It is an autonomous international body. Its function is to monitor world health trends, advise on healthcare and coordinate international efforts to promote health and control disease. Its remarkable success is evidenced in the eradication of smallpox between 1967 and 1977.

築建柏林圍牆 Building of the Berlin Wall (1961年)

柏林分為東柏林及西柏林,由於在東柏林,消費物品短缺及經濟復甦緩慢,遂使東柏林居民投奔西柏林,以致東柏林嚴重缺乏工人,為了改變這情況, 蘇聯於1961年,沿著東、西柏林邊界築建柏林圍牆,務使東柏林的人逃亡更加困難。

Berlin was separated into East and West. The shortage of consumer goods and the slow economic recovery drove more and more East Germans to West Berlin. As a result, there was a shortage of workers in the East. In changing this situation, a wall was built along the border of West and East Berlin in 1961, to make escape from East Germany harder.

古巴導彈危機 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962年)


In 1962,the United States discovered that the Soviet Union was shopping nuclear missiles to Cuba. The Americans saw this as a serious threat to US national security. President Kennedy then ordered national mobilization and naval blockade of Cuba, He also demanded the withdrawal of Soviet missiles. The most serious crisis of the Cold War was about to begin. The US and Soviet Union were brought to the brink of a nuclear war.

無國界醫生成立 Establishment of the Medecins Sans Frontieres (1971年)


MSF was founded in 1971 by a small group of French doctors. It is a non-profit organization. Each year, more than 2,500 volunteer doctors, nurses and other medical professionals join locally employed staff to provide medical aid to more than 80 countries.

美蘇聯合太空任務 Joint Space Project between the US and Soviet Union (1975 年)

1975 年7月 1日,美國阿波羅太空船利用由美國和蘇聯共同研發的靠站設備,與蘇聯的聯合號一起在地球的運行軌道靠站,這是國際首次在太空飛行方面的合作。

On 1 July 1975, the US Apollo spacecraft docked with the Soviet Soyuz spacecraft while in Earth orbit. This was the first international cooperative space flight.

柏林圍牆被拆毀 Demolition of the Berlin Wall (1989年)


The wall created fear and discontent among the Germans. Millions of Germans trying to cross the wall were killed. It was not until 9 November 1989 that the wall was pulled down. The reunification of Germany symbolized the collapse of communism in East Germany.

南斯拉夫內戰爆發  Outbreak of the Yugoslav civil wars (1991年)

新興國家南斯拉夫在第一次世界大戰後出現,它是一個多種族的聯邦國家,由6 個共和國和兩個自治省所組成,由於經濟衰退、民族主義崛起,造成南斯拉夫內不同種族發生連串武裝衝突,戰爭包括「斯洛文尼亞戰爭」、「克羅埃西亞戰爭」、「波斯尼亞戰爭」等。內戰持續了10年之久,南斯拉夫終於解體。

Yugoslavia emerged after the First World War. It was a multi-ethnic federation of six republics and two autonomous provinces. Due to factors such as economic recession and the rise of nationalism, there were different armed conflicts in Yugoslavia, including the war in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia. Civil wars continued for 10 years, leading to the eventual collapse of Yugoslavia.

歐洲聯盟成立 Establishment of the European Union  (1992年)


In 1992, the European Community was renamed the European Union. By the mid-1990s, after almost 40 years of existence, the community had been a great success economically, such as the abolition of custom duties, as well as the restrictions on people seeking work in the different countries of the Community. Trade increased, brining prosperity to the member states.

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