南京條約 The Treaty of Nanjing (1842年)
中華電力有限公司成立 China light and power company (1901年)
海員大罷工 Seamen's strike (1922年)
渥太華會議 Ottawa Imperial Economic Conference (1932年)
日本侵華 Japanese invasion of China (1941年)
楊慕琦提出「楊計劃」 Governor Mark Young proposed the Young Plan  (1946年)
韓戰 Korean War 
大家庭 Extended family (1960年前)
核心家庭 Nuclear family (1960年起)
六七暴動 Riots of 1966 and 1967 (1967年)
實施聯繫匯率 Implementation of the linked exchange rate (1983年)
簽署《中英聯合聲明》Signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration (1984年)
香港聯合交易所成立  Founding of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (1986年)
六四事件及移民潮 June Fourth Incident and the trend of emigration (1989年)
香港加入亞太經濟合作組織 Hong Kong's participation in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (1842年)
香港立法局推行直接選舉 Direct election in the Legislative Council
香港特別行政區成立 Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
亞洲金融風暴 Asian Financial Turmoil (1997年)
簽訂《更緊密經貿關係安排》 The signing of CEPA (2003年)
自由行 Solo Travel (2003年)
南京條約 The Treaty of Nanjing (1842年)

中英雙方於1842年簽訂《南京條約》,將香港島割讓予英國,香港正式接受英國的管治,砵甸乍 (Henry Pottinger) 於1843-44年獲任命出任首屆香港總督。

After signing the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842, Hong Kong Island was ceded to Britain, whose administration in Hong Kong began. Henry Pottinger governing from 1843 to 1944 came to be the first governor.

中華電力有限公司成立 China light and power company (1901年)


This company was founded in 1901, and is a cross-national collaborations. Its leadership was held by people of different nationalities, among whom include Paul Chater (Armenian) and Elly Kadooris (Jewish).

海員大罷工 Seamen's strike (1922年)


In the 1920s, foreign seamen were far better paid than the Chinese. While the Seamen's Union were striking for better benefits for Chinese, the shipping companies refused to increase the wages. The seamen then went on strike in January 1922.

渥太華會議 Ottawa Imperial Economic Conference (1932年)


In 1932, the Ottawa Imperial Economic Conference was called. Its subsequent agreements aimed at lowering trade barriers by means of preferential tariffs. The Commonwealth countries, including Britain and its colonies, could enjoy such benefits. Therefore, Hong Kong could export its products to Commonwealth countries at a relatively low price, and hence strengthen its competitiveness.

日本侵華 Japanese invasion of China (1941年)


In 1941, the Japanese invasion of China had driven many Chinese entrepreneurs to Hong Kong. The great influx of Chinese also provided labour needed for the growth of industry. During the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, Hong Kong's economy was seriously affected, the volume of trade between Hong Kong and the mainland also sharply dropped.

楊慕琦提出「楊計劃」 Governor Mark Young proposed the Young Plan  (1946年)

第二次世界大戰期間,香港被日本佔領,總督楊慕琦(Mark Young)被迫將香港交給日本人管治。戰後,英國人重返香港,接受日本人投降,楊慕琦亦得到復職。復職後,他為了維持英國在香港的管治,遂提出一些改革,稱為「楊計劃」(Young Plan)。但由於建議得不到支持而胎死腹中。

During the Second World War, Hong Kong was occupied by Japan. Governor Mark Young was forced to hand over Hong Kong to Japan. After the war, British returned to Hong Kong for Japan's surrender. Governor Young then resumed his office. He proposed several reform measures to maintain British rule in Hong Kong, known as the Young Plan. However, it was abolished due to unpopularity.

韓戰 Korean War (1950─53年)


China supported North Korea in the Korean War (1950-53), this aroused discontent among the western countries as they were on the opposite side. The western countries then imposed an embargo against China. Hong Kong, under the administration of Britain, was forced to adopt this policy. As a result, the entrepot trade between Hong Kong and the mainland greatly declined.

大家庭 Extended family (1960年前)


The tradition of raising and maintaining an extended family was the practice in Hong Kong society. Since the 1950s, Hong Kong started its entry into industrialization, which required huge labour force. The influx of new migrants to Hong Kong also brought Hong Kong with the concept of extended family.

核心家庭 Nuclear family (1960年起)


In the 1960s,there was a rapid growth in population. The government was aware of the burden it caused in the provision of social welfare, thus introduced the concept of family planning. Moreover, due to their children's opportunities of education and career development, together with western concepts like individualism, self determination and low birth rate, nuclear family became a popular family mode.

六七暴動 Riots of 1966 and 1967 (1967年)

在1966至1967年間,香港爆發暴動,事發的起因是香港天星小輪於1966 年4月宣加價5仙,一名青年發起絕食抗議,引來大批市民圍觀和支持,隨後暴動陸續發生,進一步顯示公眾對政府的不滿。此外,在1967 年 5月,一間塑膠花廠的勞資糾紛演變為罷工,之後引起一連串的暴動,震動香港政府。

Between 1966 and 1967,there were riots in Hong Kong. One of them was caused by a fare increase by 5 cents of the Star Ferry in April 1966. A man then started a hunger strike to protest against the fare increase, a large crowd also came forward to offer support. Later, several riots broke out, which showed the discontent of the public towards the government. In May 1967, a labour dispute at an artificial flower factory turned into a strike. It triggered a series of riots and shocked the Hong Kong government.

實施聯繫匯率 Implementation of the linked exchange rate (1983年)

1983年,香港政府實施聯繫匯率,將港元與美元掛鉤,以1美元兌換 7.8港元,自此以後,港元維持較高的貨幣價值。

In 1983, the linked exchange rate was implemented: US$1 was pegged at a rate of HK$7.8. Since then, the Hong Kong dollar has been under pressure to maintaining a higher value.

簽署《中英聯合聲明》Signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration (1984年)


The Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed by the Chinese and British ministers in 1984. It confirmed Chinese government to recover its rule over Hong Kong from the 1st July 1997 onwards.

香港聯合交易所成立  Founding of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (1986年)


The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong was founded in 1886. It was a clear indicator that Hong Kong had a better financial setting. When enterprises in the mainland looked for measures to finance their businesses, they naturally turned to Hong Kong.

六四事件及移民潮 June Fourth Incident and the trend of emigration (1989年)

1989年 6月 4日,中國學生對民主改革的要求遭中央政府遏止,引起香港人對香港回歸祖國抱有悲觀的情緒。由1980 年至1990年代中期,估計若有50萬港人移居海外。

On 4 June 1989, Chinese students demanding democratic reforms were suppressed. Hong Kong people were therefore optimistic towards the handover of Hong Kong to the mainland. It was estimated that about half a million Hong Kong people emigrated elsewhere during the period from 1980 to the mid 1990s.

香港加入亞太經濟合作組織 Hong Kong's participation in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (1991年)


In 1991, Hong Kong joined the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, which takes part in the promotion of free and open trade through regional cooperation.

香港立法局推行直接選舉 Direct election in the Legislative Council (1995年)


After Chris Patten became Governor in 1992, he further implemented political reforms, and full election in the Legislative Council in 1995. Out of the 60 members in the Legco, 20 were directly elected, 30 indirectly elected by the functional constituencies, while 10 from the election committee. This was indeed a breakthrough in Hong Kong's election history, because the government abolished the ex-officio and appointed seats in the Legco, making it more representative.

香港特別行政區成立 Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region  (1997年)


On 1st July 1997, China resumed its rule over Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) was established. It was no longer ruled by Governor appointed by the British government but rather the Chief Executive. Under his rule, the government was to enforce the Basic Law and others, and also to make decisions.

亞洲金融風暴 Asian Financial Turmoil (1997年)


In 1997, the Asian Financial Turmoil broke out. Hong Kong's economy was severely hit. After the burst of economic boom, Hong Kong's economy needed to pay great effort on adjustment and reorganization.

簽訂《更緊密經貿關係安排》 The signing of CEPA (2003年)

此安排於2003年6月 29日簽訂,目的是促進內地和香港經濟的共同繁榮與發展,並加強雙方的經貿聯繫。內容包括逐步減少或取消雙方之貨物貿易的關稅和非關稅壁壘、逐步實現服務貿易自由化、減少或取消歧視性措施,並促進貿易投資便利化。

CEPA was signed on 29 June 2003. This is to promote the joint economic prosperity and development of the mainland and Hong Kong, as well as to facilitate the further development of economic links between the two sides. The aims are achieved through progressively reducing or eliminating tariffs and non-tariff barrier on trade of goods; achieving liberalization of trade in services through reduction and elimination of all discriminatory measures; and promoting trade and investment facilitation.

自由行 Solo Travel (2003年)

此政策於2003年開始實施,內地居民如想前往香港和澳門,可憑個人身分證、戶口簿,申請辦理《往來港澳通行證》及訪問簽証,簽証有效期為3個月,分1 次及2次往返有效,若申請人每次在港澳地區停留不超過七天,申請次數不受限制。

This policy started in 2003, mainlanders can get an Exit-entry Permit for traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macau and an 'endorsement for individual visit' by their own identity card or household registration book. The endorsement is valid for 3 months and for either single or double-journey. Frequency of application will not be restricted to visitors who stay for not more than 7 days.

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